Since the last update, some users reported two major issues with the map’s script. Recent updates fixed two problems: with positioning markers layer over the map when using Bootstrap framework, and a bug that caused jumping to the page top when navigating via keyboard. As always support of the new maps has been added.

Jumping to the page top when navigating via keyboard, have been caused by negative top margin that was set to hide tooltips. This issue has been fixed by hiding “sticky” tooltips with the "clip" CSS property. That may not work properly in the Internet Explorer 8 and below, but only when “sticky” tooltips option is set.

There was also another conflict with the Bootstrap framework. The markers layer hasn’t been positioned properly over the map. Bug has been fixed by adding additional .cssmap-markers-container class to the markers container and proper box-sizing property overwriting the Bootstrap’s.

Both major updates require update of the cssmap-themes.css file.
If you don’t store the jquery.cssmap.min.js file locally it was updated automatically. Otherwise you should update the script file too.

New maps released

Now you can save 20% on paid maps by entering the SUMMER16 discount code at checkout.

This is a single-use per customer discount code, and will be valid until September 22nd, 2016.


Map of Switzerland support added;
Added .cssmap-markers-container class to the markers container;
Fixed positioning of the markers over the map when using Bootstrap framework;
Maps of Hungary and The Netherlands support added;
Maps of Czech Republic and Slovakia support added;
Fixed jumping to the page top when using keyboard navigation;

Upcoming maps

New maps should be available in September.